Wow, I think this is the earliest I've ever been online, other than those mornings in grad school when I had to finish up a paper! Bear has decided that 5:30 is a good time to wake up lately. It's not that bad, I guess. I get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep, so I can't really complain, except that he goes back to sleep around 6:30 and I can't usually do that! Also, he goes back to sleep in my arms and refuses to get back in his crib. Can you believe I'm typing with an almost 20 pound baby in my lap? There are lots of backspaces and deletes, let me tell you!**
Anyhow, we had a really busy day yesterday--so busy that I didn't have a free moment to post about it! We started off slowly, but we had lunch with the MOMS club at 11:00. We went to a fairly
new restaurant in town and it was really fun. We were able to sit outside, even though it was pretty hot here. The restaurant has a big, shaded porch with lots of ceiling fans, so it was actually very comfortable. Bear decided to skip his morning nap, so he crashed in his stroller right at 11:00 when we got there. He slept until 12:00, so I was able to stay there until about 1:30 chatting with other moms without him getting grouchy! Yesterday was also his first experience eating solid food away from home. I, being the great mom that I am, packed up all his food and various required accessories, but I forgot a bib for him! We had to borrow a bib from Bear's friend Kaitlyn, which happened to be pink and polka dotted. I didn't take any pictures--I didn't think he'd appreciate the humor in that later!
After the lunch and lots of chatting, we headed to Lowe's to pick up a doorstop that broke off one of our doors. A visit to Lowe's always takes a long time, since I used to work there. I don't necessarily want to say hello to every single person I know, but I don't want to be rude, either! There are some people that I genuinely enjoy talking to, though, so it makes for a long trip. Needless to say, I don't go in there too often. Since we were in there getting the doorstop anyhow, we went ahead and picked up a little rug for Bear's room. It's not available online (that I can find!), or I'd share a picture with you, but it's made by Tonka and has little roads, bridges and parking lots on it. It came with two little dump trucks, which Bear is too little to play with yet, but the rug makes a good playmat by itself for now.
After all that, I didn't feel like making dinner, so Max and I went out (again, I know!) to one of our
favorite restaurants here. They just changed locations and the new one is so nice! They added lots of stuff to their menu, and everything we tried turned out to be really good. We definitely need to make plans to go there more often. Even Bear enjoyed it. Of course, he didn't try any of the food, but he really liked the waterfall wall they've added to the decor. AND, he sat in one of their high chairs for nearly 30 minutes! This is great, because typically when we go out to eat, one of us has to hold him. He's growing up and becoming more independent!
In a little while, we're going to head to the gym so I can work off all that food I ate yesterday! Just kidding, I actually made fairly healthy choices yesterday, so I shouldn't have much to work off, but Bear has a date in the child care room today. His friend Kaitlyn's mom, Nancy, belongs to the same gym and we agreed to meet there this morning and work out together. It might be kind of hard, since I will be doing circuit work and therefore moving around a lot, but it's motivating to have someone else there waiting to meet you.
After the gym, hopefully Bear will be tired and take a good nap, because I have to clean, clean, clean! My dad and his wife will be here this weekend, and I haven't cleaned the bonus room from when my mom was here weekend before last yet. I also just need to do general cleaning around the house. I'm usually pretty good about keeping up with it, but for some reason this past week was an exception. I also need to work on some baby-proofing. One of my friends in the neighborhood is a CPA and has to take some classes in order to remain certified. I agreed to babysit her almost 2 year old son on Thursday mornings in July and August, but our house is probably not quite ready for a toddler. My friend is going to come over to acquaint her son with my house, but also to tell me if we have stuff out that she knows he'll get into or break. I'm sure we do, but it can be moved or put away for now. Besides, this will give me good practice!
**I was able to put Bear in his crib at about the 2nd paragraph, so don't think I've been struggling with holding that heavy boy this whole time!