Monday, August 30, 2010


Today was Barrett's first day of preschool! He was so excited about his teacher, his school bag and his name tag! He did really well at drop-off and only looked back at Momma for a second before heading inside to his classroom. I didn't hear otherwise, so I assume he had a good day. He says he did, anyway! When he got in the car he showed me his art project for the day: a little lamb (his class is called the Little Lambs) made of cotton and construction paper on a paper plate. When I asked if he made it, he told me yes, but don't eat it! I wonder how many times his teacher told the class not to eat the project?! I thought school would wear him out, but maybe he was wired or something, because it took him an hour to fall asleep for his nap. Oh well, he's asleep for now and we can't wait to do it all over again on Wednesday!

Oh Momma, not green beans again!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I think I'm in TROUBLE!

Okay, so she's being supported somewhat by the Boppy pillow, but my baby girl is SITTING UP!

I wasn't expecting this at all, because she's only 5 months old! Barrett was around 7 months before he started sitting up.

Of course, Barrett wanted to "help" her. And of course, we let him!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

5 months!

Corinne is 5 months old today! She's such a great baby. She sleeps well, eats well and is generally happy almost all the time. Her only issue is acid reflux and we can't seem to fix that. :(
She's really good at rolling over (from back to front) and is definitely teething right now. Her lower gums are so swollen, they look as if they will burst soon! She's trying to sit up, but can't quite do it just yet. She is still loving Barrett and smiles for him more than she does for anyone else. She has just recently gotten into watching Barrett's old Baby Einstein DVDs and she loves them! She'll laugh at certain parts, which strangely, are the same parts that Barrett laughed at as a baby. There must be a baby joke that I just don't get!

I think she looks like a princess here:

Happy girl!

Another good pic:

She was done sitting still at this point:

Corinne tries squash

Our pediatrician said that we could go ahead and try some baby food with Corinne to see if it helped her reflux issues at all. I can't tell yet if it is helping her not spit up quite so often, but she seemed to like it regardless!

My goofy girl:

We made a pie!

I hosted a meeting of my book club last week. We always have yummy desserts at the meetings, so I decided to make a raspberry cream pie. Barrett really wanted to help, so I let him. Sort of.

He was really good at taste testing.

Corinne held the Oreos that we used for the crust.

Finished product was very good, if I do say so myself!
baby baby