She's been sick with bronchiolitis and croup this last week or so and she's having to do breathing treatments multiple times a day. She's been a real little trooper about the whole thing! She gets annoyed with the face mask that she has to wear for 10 or 15 minutes, but is relatively calm about it. Actually, she's so calm that she usually falls asleep during the last treatment of the day!
We were supposed to go to a Christmas party today, but our pediatrician told us we shouldn't be in public passing around Corinne's germs until next week. Anyhow, there was no need to waste a Christmas outfit!
Here she is after I let her get out of the chair and pull out her bow. (These pictures are in jumbled order for some reason.)
Showing her teeth and trying to get the camera.
Trying to get down...look at those legs!! I love 'em!
Happy because Barrett came into her room:
Watching Barrett dance around the room:
Being silly and trying to get down:
Barrett took her seat after she got down. She was over the pictures and just wanted to play!
Here she is playing in the living room one evening:
This is her favorite position lately. Downward dog!
We tried pigtails. Her hair is quite a bit longer on one side than on the other, so they look a little lopsided. I refuse to cut it, though, so I guess we won't be donning piggies in public yet!