Saturday, May 14, 2011

Barrett's First T-Ball Game!

After 2 practices, Barrett had his very first t-ball game today! He enjoyed batting and running the bases much more than he liked playing the field. He gets a little upset when he doesn't get the ball. He had fun today, but I think he'll enjoy it even more when he gets a better understanding of the game.

Here he is on first base with Coach Wes:

Running to 3rd base. Momma happened to be on 3rd base, so that might explain some of his enthusiasm. :)

Waiting to catch the ball:

Getting some help from Dad:

Hitting the ball (with some help from another parent):

Barrett's End of Year Preschool Party

Barrett had his end of the year preschool party on Friday and he had lots of fun! Only one more day of preschool left and that is it for the summer! This momma is kind of sad about that. Barrett and I have enjoyed our short breaks from each other. We have lots of fun things planned this summer though: vacation bible school, swimming lessons, t-ball games and lots of relaxing!

Playing under the parachute with the teachers, parents and his classmates (B's in the brown striped shirt):

Helping to lift the parachute:

Whoops...not a picture of the party. Corinne and Barrett played in our storage ottoman one day and had a fun time.

Corinne wanted to get in the jump house with the big kids:

Barrett enjoyed playing with the trucks on the preschool playground:

Corinne sat in the grass and practiced looking very adorable:

Barrett drove this pretend bus quite a bit. Anytime another kid got in, Barrett pretended to be the driver and asked where they'd like to go.

Looking cool in the jump house:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Corinne-14 months!

Well, we have a walking little girl! She started walking, little by little, this past month and now she is walking all the time. She gets mad when she falls or loses her balance, which is happening less and less. She's really becoming a little girl and less of a baby right now. She knows exactly what she wants and tries her hardest to let us know about it. She can let me know if Barrett is doing something she doesn't like, by squealing loudly. She knows I'll come running for certain squeals and cries! She is very particular about her hair (basically she wants nothing in it and wants me to leave her alone), so I was surprised when she let me put pigtails in this morning. She's just dressed in play clothes, but I decided to take her 14 month pictures while her hair looked cute.

My cutie-girl:

I gave her a snack to keep her hands out of her hair, so she is eating in many of these pics.

The snack didn't keep her distracted for long. If you know Corinne, this pic captured her perfectly!

She looks a little demented here, but I didn't get many smiles today.

Playing in the chair after she messed up her hair.

Barrett kept handing her toys and she laughed then (for him, of course!).

Being silly and trying to get the camera.

Barrett's May Day USA Program

Barrett was in his first school program on Friday, May 6! He'd been singing Grand Old Flag and God Bless America to us for a few weeks, so I figured that's what his class was singing, but there were actually several other songs that they sang as well. He was very ready and excited to sing at school! Here he is the morning of the program...can you tell he's excited?

Here he is walking to the stage with one of his teachers. He spotted us and tried to sit with us shortly after this pic, but Mrs. Mandy convinced him to go with her to the front.

The 2.5 yr old class was in the very front row, since they are the shortest. We were happy to learn this, until we realized the music teacher would pretty much block our view of Barrett the entire program! We moved around a lot (thanks, Corinne!) though, and we got a fairly good view of him after all. He's in the very front here, at the bottom of the photo...with his hands clapping.

He participated very well (well, for a 3 yr old!) and was super excited after the program was over. He keeps singing the songs that his sang and I have no idea what they all are. Thank goodness for youtube! I can look up lyrics that he sings and find just about everything he asks me to sing with him. We're so happy that he loves music!
baby baby