Monday, July 18, 2011

16 months

Corinne turned 16 months on the 10th...but I sort of forgot to take pictures. So, I took pictures this morning, but I'm also posting some other random pics from July.

Corinne has recently started playing with dolls and she seems to have chosen this one as her favorite. She loves pushing the little stroller around.

The kids wore their new swimsuits to a splash party. Corinne had a blast at the party, but is mad here because she didn't want to hold Barrett's hand. Barrett didn't have much fun at the party and stayed completely dry the entire time we were there, but he did like eating cake!

My 16 month old!

Barrett was trying to get her to smile for pictures and thought she might grin more if he was with her. Plus, he just likes having his picture taken.

Barrett took this picture and it turned out to be one of my favorites of the day!

The kids have enjoyed making "houses" and playing in them lately.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We aren't doing anything too eventful for the 4th this year, but we are spending time together and having a fun weekend! We had a friend over and grilled out on Saturday, just spent time together at home on Sunday and are still trying to make some plans for today. The kids are too little to stay up late enough to see our town's fireworks, but our neighbors usually have enough to entertain Barrett for a little while (and to scare our dogs for days). Happy 4th, everyone!

Here's Corinne looking cute in her festive shirt:

Barrett posing with Stuart in his little USA hat:

Cutie Corinne again:

Barrett and Corinne together:

Both smiling! Hard to capture!

Corinne finished this whole ear of corn!

A bath was necessary after Barrett ate his first rib:

Handsome boy!
baby baby