We are going to have professional photos made of Bear today at noon. I hope they come out really great. So far, we've been taking pictures of him at home every month, but I thought I might regret it if I didn't get any professional ones done, so I made an appointment. If they turn out to be not so good, then I'll try a different place for his 6 month pictures. I'm just trying Penney's this time, because one of my friends took her daughter there and they came out fine. There's a new photo studio here in town that has similar rates to Penney's and the like, so I may want to try them next time. I refuse to go to WalMart to get his pictures taken. I went there once with my friend to get her daughter's picture taken, and I just think I could take better pictures at home. Sure, they're cheap, but not anything special, and I can take free ones at home!
Not much else to report today. We're feeling pretty boring right about now. Bear and the dogs are all taking naps right now, so I'm having a rare completely alone moment, and I should probably take advantage of it by taking a shower or eating breakfast or something.
Here are some pictures we took at home. The first is at 1 month and the second is at 3 months. They definitely show that he is growing! He has changed so much in his short time here!

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