I feel like we've been so busy over the past few days, but when I look back on it, we didn't do all that much. On Saturday, Bear and I got really bored and restless while Daddy was out doing his usual Saturday running around, so we decided to go shopping. We didn't go anywhere very fun--just Home Depot and WalMart, but it got me a little less bored and definitely wore Bear out. I was looking for a rug for Bear's bedroom and I think I've decided on
this one from Lowe's. Home Depot carries a
really cute one, too, but you can only get it online and I don't want to pay for shipping. Both are similarly priced at about $20, so I suppose I'll get the one that's already in the store. On Saturday evening, Max and I decided to take ourselves out for Mexican food at a restaurant here in our town. Bear tried sitting in a restaurant highchair for the first time, but it didn't work out too well. First of all, they seated us at a tall table, so they stacked 2 highchairs together to make it tall enough. That didn't seem very stable to me, but I put Bear's
new highchair cover on it anyway, only to find that the buckles on the restaurant highchair were too fat to fit in the holes on the cover. Even though all that was working against us, we decided to go for it anyway, and I think Bear sat in it for exactly one minute before crying.
On Sunday, we just took it easy and celebrated Father's Day with Max. Bear gave his daddy a card and a new Wii game to show his appreciation. Max, at his request, made his own Father's Day dinner--he wanted steak and he's the best steak griller in the house! We just relaxed and had a really nice day. I hope Max enjoyed it and felt appreciated! Max and Bear have some cute shirts that are especially for Father's Day, but Bear has been a little grumpy lately, so we've not taken any pictures of them yet. I promise I will post some as soon as we take them!
Then yesterday, I got bored again. What is it with me lately?? Anyhow, Bear took a long nap, so I decided to go out shopping again when he woke up. We went to Babies R Us and Kohl's (one of my favorites!). We bought Bear some new dishes and spoons. We have been using little glass dishes for Bear's food, but now that he is Mr. Grabby-Hands, I was afraid they would meet our tile floor and smash into little bits like my candle holder did about a month ago. So now he has nice, new
plastic dishes that suction onto his highchair tray. At Kohl's, Bear fell asleep, so Momma had fun looking at lots of clothes! I don't get to do that too often, so I really enjoyed myself. I only bought one pair of capri pants and a shirt to match, though, so I didn't spend too much. I just like to look sometimes and it's nice to be given the option!
Here's a picture of the boy for you to enjoy. He often gets annoyed with us during picture taking sessions, but I think this is the first time you can really see it in his face. Max and I both thought this was really funny: