Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bear the Great

Bear the Great has done it again!! I didn't get 8 hours this time, but I did get 6!! SIX WHOLE HOURS! He fell asleep at 8:30 and woke at 9:00 really hungry, of course. He only drank a little of his bottle before falling asleep again, though. Then he woke up at 11:00 or so for more food. After about 15 minutes, he fell asleep again and slept solidly from 11:30 to 5:30! I can handle that! I may have to take a short nap this afternoon, though. Bear is napping right now, but I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to blog instead--lucky you! When he wakes up, we are going to the park for some swinging fun. He was really good at Starbucks yesterday. He got all worn out watching other kids, as usual, and fell asleep in the car seat on the way to Kroger. He slept through almost all the grocery shopping and was very quiet when he did wake up. Maybe he's changing---this would definitely be a welcome change! Speaking of change, Max and I just realized that we are going to have to buy him a new car seat really soon here. The one he has has a weight limit of 22 pounds and Bear about 18 pounds now. We expect him to weigh about 21 or 22 pounds at his 6 month checkup, so we started looking at new car seats online last night. Does anyone else have a Britax? We are thinking of going with the Roundabout model, in the Tan Swirl pattern. They are not the prettiest things (especially the "cowmooflage" pattern!), but they seem to get good reviews for safety, which is much more important than aesthetics to us.

Bear was in such a good mood last night, I was able to get this really cute picture of him and the dogs. Don't ask me how I got them all to look forward like that--I have no idea!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I came across your blog through Stay Classy,(Lauren). I would HIGHLY recomend either of these car seats! They're actually made my the same company, one just has the "brand" name! Their harnesses adjust WITHOUT rethreading the straps! (if you find out too far down, you just loosen the straps, and then turn two wing type nobs, and raise it up. Versus taking out the straps, and rethreading them through the slots!)

Big Lots also has them on sale sometime, so if you have a little time you could look there!!!!

On another note, GREAT Blog. I've added you to my MUST reads! Good luck on the carseat!!!! We purchased the Costco one, for our now almost 10 month old! She loves it and so do I!!!!


baby baby