First of all, did I mention that I was going shopping BY MYSELF today??? I am really excited and cannot wait until Bear takes a nap, so I can leave! I thought about it and with the exception of one doctor's appointment and one time to the gym, I have not left the house by myself since Bear was born. THAT WAS SIX MONTHS AGO, PEOPLE! And I used to be a person that claimed to need more alone time than most. I don't know why I haven't made plans to do this earlier, but I will definitely make plans to do it more often from now on. The euphoria I am experiencing just from making plans is awesome! Hopefully it will remain as I actually take on the world without the baby for a few hours. Being in the dressing room at Kohl's without worrying about how much formula we have left or how loud Bear is crying will be like heaven! He will probably be asleep for much of the time that I am gone, but I'm hoping, wishing and praying that he doesn't act like a crazy baby for Max. I need for him to be an angel baby, so I can feel comfortable when I want to go out alone again tomorrow. Just kidding, I'll probably wait at least a few more days...
Secondly, check out Bear! The look on his face in these pictures is one of triumph, let me tell you. He is so proud of himself and when I lay these objects on the tray of his highchair, he snatches them up like he's been doing things himself for years!
Here he is using his little mesh feeder thingie with a new favorite-watermelon-in it. Please excuse the crazy hair--we'd been swimming earlier in the day.
My hair might look funny, but this watermelon is no joke. It is GOOD!
Later that same day, he decided to try using his sippie cup for the first time and did a pretty good job of it!
This water's better than all the salt water I drank at the pool earlier!
A day later, he kept grabbing at the spoon while I was feeding him oatmeal, so I got out the toddler spoon and handed it to him. I had to help a little with getting cereal on the spoon, but once it was there, he knew where to put it!
Look at my spoon, Momma! I can do it myself!
Mmmm! This oatmeal tastes like victory!
Check out my look of satisfaction. I'm going to be doing algebra and reading novels before you know it!
Okay, I really need to quit with the silly captions. Anyhow, I have to go shower and get ready for my day BY MYSELF!! Hope everyone else has a great weekend!
1 comment:
Have fun and to make the most of it, be sure and shift your focus by staying out of the Babies/Children department.
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