Saturday, September 6, 2008

This too shall pass, right??

Poor Bear! He's not feeling so great today. Last night was one of those dreaded nights where he woke up every hour or so. And then, woke up for good at 6:45, which is a little early for us. So, I'm sitting on the couch, with a sore back from trying to maneuver around the little boy in my bed almost all night, while Bear is playing in his Exersaucer and watching (somewhat) Sesame Street. I don't like just parking him in front of the tv this early in his little life, but I'm too tired yet to chase him all over the floor. I thought he was teething last night, since there's a nice white line on his gums where an upper front tooth would be, but he's coughing a little this morning. He went to his first playgroup yesterday and I'm hoping he didn't pick up the sniffles from one of the babies there. It seems like lots of kids always have a runny nose, so it's hard to determine who's actually sick. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a second little cold--he's been to the gym child care room a few times this week and then there was the playgroup yesterday. I hate for him to be sick, but it's not too big of a deal for him to have a little cold every now and then, I suppose. He's at least building immunities, right? I just don't want him to be too big of a grouch today. My mom's here and I want us to have a good time with her. I'm sure if we feel like we need to stay home, we'll still have fun, though. He's getting pretty grumpy being confined in the seat in his Exersaucer, so I suppose I should stop writing and tend to him before he wakes everyone else in the house! Maybe we'll go play with the new music and learning table that his grandma brought him...

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baby baby