The next day was much better. We went out to lunch and shopping with Grandma. We managed to find a really cool children's consignment shop, where we picked up a fall/winter wardrobe for Bear. We headed for the wedding that afternoon. We were almost late, but it was probably better for us to sit in the very back anyhow. Bear yelled a few times during the exchanging of the vows, but I found some Cheerios in my bag and managed to keep him mostly quiet. At the reception, he spent a good bit of time exploring the floor and getting into my purse:
Then we found him a highchair and he was happy to sit there and eat crackers for a bit.
He got held by lots of people and played a bunch with the other kids that attended the wedding, so he was pretty tired by the time we pulled back up to Grandma's house:
The next day, we shopped with Grandma again and invited his uncles over to Grandma's house for dinner. Bear had a whole lot of fun with both of his uncles!
His favorite thing to do with Uncle Nick was to pull his beard.
And with Uncle Seth, pulling off his glasses was the fun activity.
The next day, we went to the university where Grandma teaches so she could show him off to her colleagues. He loves to show off, so he was ready to go!
After lunch and a nap, we took Bear to a bookstore that had a great kid's area. Bear spent lots of time at the train table.
It got really cold that night, so we had to use Grandma's fireplace to stay warm. Bear WOULD NOT leave it alone.
Overall, it was a good trip. The way home was similar to the way up, in that Bear slept much of the way. We were both a little crabbier, probably just ready to be home. Bear sure was happy to see his daddy! We didn't sleep very well last night, unfortunately. I think Bear got used to sleeping in the same room as me. We'll have to work on that tonight...I just didn't have the energy to deal with a lot of crying last night. I feel at least a little rested today, though, and we have NO PLANS for a change, so maybe I can even take a nap when he does. Judging from the whining little boy on the floor, it's about time for a nap right now!
He is so smashing in his dressed-up outfit with the tie! We are glad you are back!
He is SO adorable! Seriously-- that is one cute baby.
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