Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Virus!

Our first Christmas with Bear was overshadowed by the nasty virus he came down with on Christmas Eve. It involved lots of stuff coming out of all orifices and loads and loads of laundry. Oh, it's nice to finally know what to use the "sanitize" setting for on our new washer! We managed to celebrate Christmas anyhow, among all the dirty diapers and clothes and I think Bear even enjoyed all his new loot. I am grateful that, if he had to get sick, that he got sick while Max was off work for a few days. I know it didn't make for a very relaxing vacation for him, but I couldn't have managed nearly as well without his help. The unthinkable happened the day after Christmas--Momma got the virus, too! I could not have gotten through it without Max! I barely slept the night that I got sick, so I stayed in bed (except for a couple juice/broth breaks) yesterday until 5 pm! Bear and I are both feeling better today, even if we're both a little crabby and tired! Here are some pictures from the parts of Christmas we'd like to remember:

Sick, but still happy to go for a walk in his new WAGON!!

Momma and Daddy are so tired of watching the one DVD Bear enjoys, so we were very pleased when Bear opened this gift from Grandpa and Grammy P:

While Bear was napping after opening all his gifts, Momma put together one of his favorites: a little KITCHEN SET! He was all smiles when he woke up!

Here he is being silly with his new stacking cups:

And again with a shape from the shape sorter:

I hope everyone else had a Merry Christmas! Hopefully yours was virus free!

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baby baby