Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve/Morning

Barrett's had a great Christmas!

Here he is getting ready for bed on Christmas Eve:

Another shot:

Opening his Christmas Eve gift:

Watching a dvd and enjoying his book about planes:

First thing he did Christmas morning:

Loves his Elmo book:

Unwrapping gifts!

New dishes:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Snow in Mississippi!!

It started snowing last night right before we went to bed and look what we saw when we woke up!

Barrett wandered around, checking everything out.

Pointing the moon out to Momma.


Hmmm...who put this stuff all over my bike?

And what's up with my swing?

This was taken right before he slipped on the ice that collected on his roller coaster track.

This was taken post-slip and he wanted that darn hat off!

Here he is throwing a fit on the living room floor, because Momma told him that he had to wear a hat outside.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My baby? Or my puppy?

We are having a real problem (well, I don't know that it's an actual's just weird) with Barrett lately: he keeps pretending he's a dog. I have no problem with him running around on all fours with our dogs, but he's taken it even further. Because our dogs tend to beg (and Barrett tends to give in) while we're eating, we put them outside during meals. When the meal is over, we let the dogs back in and they charge for the table, hoping that Barrett dropped something and he usually has. Well, Barrett has started getting down on all fours and pretending to scavenge with them. Sometimes he even eats the stuff he's thrown on the floor. Yuck! I've also caught him attempting to eat dog food out of the dog bowls several times this week. Twice he's come up to me with a sort of disgusted look on his face and I've held my hand in front of his mouth to catch the dog kibble that he wants to spit out. Ewww! He's sneaky about the dog water, too. He'll lie on the floor and take big swigs of it before I can even think about catching him. Ugh! I usually hear water splashing and then tell him that boys drink out of cups and not out of bowls on the floor. The other funny thing he does to pretend he's a dog is that he barks whenever Max comes home. Our dogs run to the door and bark whenever he gets home from work and Barrett just joins in. He gets on all fours and yipes at the door just like a dog. Max has learned to open the door very slowly. I'm sure this is all normal toddler behavior and I'm totally fine with it, but I could do without the gross parts! I'll have to try to get some pictures of him being a dog.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


After throwing what seemed like a never-ending screaming fit, Barrett calmed down and decided to read some books that we keep in the bathroom (to combat potty-training boredom). A few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom like this, exclaiming, "HAT, HAT!" and I just cracked up! I think all toddlers have probably been accused of being bipolar at times--making you crazy because they are so irrational and then making you laugh so hard you lose your breath a few minutes later. This has definitely been one of those days and makes me remember that Barrett is awesome, even if he attempts to drive me nuts sometimes!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Baby Girl, Halfway Cooked (20 weeks)

Sorry I'm wearing kind of ugly clothing, but you know what? That's what's comfortable when I'm pregnant!!

Happy Halloween, Pardner!

Here's Barrett all ready for our neighborhood's Halloween party last week:

Barrett was happy to see that one of our neighbors had borrowed a tractor to give the kids hayrides.

Loved the tractor!

Running to Daddy (with Momma walking after)

"Here Daddy, I don't like this part of my costume."

Moseying down the sidewalk

Pumpkin Patch pictures...almost too late!

Momma and Barrett on the hayride

Sit down, Barrett!

Barrett in the tractor wheel

He loved the tractor the best!

Looking at he animals

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I am completely exhausted from this day already, but I wanted to go ahead and post the goings-on of the boy today so I could remember them. We went to a local pumpkin patch with the MOMS Club today and we had a lot of fun. I organized the trip, which consisted of about 15 moms and their kids, so I was a little tired before we even got to the farm!

Barrett's done some funny stuff today and I want to remember it all! The day started with me taking a shower. As usual, Barrett was in the bathroom with me, emptying all the bathroom drawers. Well, today, he somehow got some liquid soap open and spilled it all over himself and the bathroom while I was showering. When I realized what he'd done, I put him in the bathtub and rinsed him off, but he kept slipping and falling on the soap that was on the floor. It's a huge mess and I've yet to clean it up, but hopefully I'll remember to put the soap in the locked cabinets from now on!

On to the pumpkin patch--We got there early so that we could have time to meet and take a look at the farm animals that are near the entrance to the farm. Barrett and I always kiss through the bars of playground equipment or of his crib, so when he saw a fence, he apparently thought he should kiss through that as well. Unfortunately, the only thing on the other side of the fence was a pony, so Barrett kissed him! Gross! He also stuck his finger up the nose of any animal that got close enough to be touched. I swear that boy's going to be a veterinarian! He certainly isn't scared of any animal.

After what seemed like forever, we got on the wagon being pulled by a tractor and headed out to pick our pumpkin. There were several farm animals that the guide stopped and fed on the way to the patch, so I didn't think it was a very big deal that Barrett was walking around the wagon when we were stopped. What I didn't realize was that he was walking around to get a closer look at some donkeys in the field we were stopped in. He was holding a plastic snack cup with pretzels in it and just as I hollered to another mom to please grab it from him, he flung it to the donkeys. They, of course, picked it up and started eating the cup and the pretzels. All the other moms were laughing and taking pictures of the donkeys eating the cup, but I was a little embarrassed! We got the cup back and after I run it through the sanitize setting on the dishwasher, it'll be good as new.

I didn't get too many good pictures, but I'll post what I got a little later.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My poor baby!

Disclaimer: This post contains kind of yucky images, so if you're not into that, look no further than the first 2 pics!!

Doesn't Barrett look happy here?

Here he is relaxing on his firetruck chair. Again, he looks pretty happy, right?

Until you get a closer look, you'd never know he was attacked by fire ants a few days ago!

This looks so painful to me, but he's handling it pretty well! He even wore shoes for a couple hours today. When we got home and he took them off, though, he breathed, "Ahhhhhhhhhh"!

Both feet have bites all over them, even between the toes. What purpose do fire ants serve? I'd never even heard of them until we lived in TX. They seem to be worse here in MS, but that could just be because we have a yard here. It wasn't even our yard where he was attacked, though! We were visiting a friend that had a HUGE mound of ants in her yard. I know this...when we are playing anywhere unfamiliar, this momma will be taking a closer look before letting Barrett wander!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


We've had a rough few days here, mostly due to teething (I think) so I decided to make a list of things Barrett has done that have made me laugh out loud in the past few weeks/months:

*I tried to teach him that there was a baby in Momma's belly and when I asked him where the baby was, he pointed to his own tummy.

*He's invented a game that he plays with Daddy where Barrett touches something and says "HOT!" and then Daddy says "NOT HOT!". It cracks Barrett up every time.

*He pretended the cat's tail was a telephone. He held it right up to his ear and said "Hello!".

*He tried to dress himself and managed to put his foot through the armhole of his pajama shirt.

*In an attempt to take a picture of him, I said (kind of sternly), "SIT DOWN, PLEASE!" and he said "NO SIT!!". This was the first time I'd heard him put two words together.

*He fed string cheese to his toy fire truck.

*We took him to Barnes and Noble to play at the train table and he picked up a train and proceeded to run around the store, shaking his head and saying "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ". He has since started doing this almost everywhere we go.

*He insisted on wearing his bright green rain boots when we went out to run errands, even though it wasn't raining.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lake Michigan

On our last day of vacation in Michigan, we went to a beach on Lake Michigan with Grandpa, Grammy and Great Aunt Gina. There was a nice playground where Barrett enjoyed swinging and climbing about. We took our shoes off and headed down to the water, where Barrett had an even better time!

Here he is exploring the sand:

Pointing at Momma and Daddy, who were standing in the water:

He loved wandering all over the huge beach:

He also loved putting his feet in the lake:

It's too bad you can't hear him, because he's squealing with delight here:

Cold water!!

How cute are these footprints?

Walking around with Great Aunt Gina:

Walking off on his own:

Looking back to make sure we are still there:

Playing with Daddy in Lake Michigan:

Uh oh, Daddy, Barrett's shorts got all wet with that last wave!

Digging in the sand:
baby baby