Doesn't Barrett look happy here?
Here he is relaxing on his firetruck chair. Again, he looks pretty happy, right?
Until you get a closer look, you'd never know he was attacked by fire ants a few days ago!
This looks so painful to me, but he's handling it pretty well! He even wore shoes for a couple hours today. When we got home and he took them off, though, he breathed, "Ahhhhhhhhhh"!
Both feet have bites all over them, even between the toes. What purpose do fire ants serve? I'd never even heard of them until we lived in TX. They seem to be worse here in MS, but that could just be because we have a yard here. It wasn't even our yard where he was attacked, though! We were visiting a friend that had a HUGE mound of ants in her yard. I know this...when we are playing anywhere unfamiliar, this momma will be taking a closer look before letting Barrett wander!!
1 comment:
We have them here in TN now (I do not remember them growing up). My kids have been banned from the playground at school because they cannot get rid of them.
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