Bear has loved books from the day he was able to sit in my lap and look at them. He prefers books that are simple word books like
B is for Bear and
First 100 Words, but he also loves
Snuggle Puppy, which is more of a song. Anyhow, I've discovered something amazing (or at least it's amazing to me)! I used to have to keep Bear contained whenever I took a shower. By contained, I mean in the Exersaucer, in the Jumperoo or in the playpen. He's pretty much outgrown all of that stuff, so I decided to try just letting him crawl around the bathroom while I shower. All the dangerous stuff like cleaners is secured behind child-locked cabinets, so what could he really get into, right? It turns out that while, yes, he is interested in opening all the cabinets that no longer open for him, but he's also interested in entertaining himself! Who knew!? A few days ago, I put a small box of toys in my bathroom for him, along with a stack of books. He "read" the entire time I was bathing today! It was so nice not to worry about what he was getting into or that he would cry because he couldn't see me. Fortunately, our shower is a stall shower with a glass door, so he still can see my outline through all the steam. The only problem I have now is that when I turn off the water, he immediately crawls to the glass door and stands up while leaning against it. The shower door opens to the outside, so there's a lot of gentle pushing and coaxing to get him out of the way so I can get out! That's a small problem, though...
Bear turns the big O-N-E in two days! We've celebrated his birthday with his playgroup already and he got some great stuff--new books, some trains, a big boy towel with his name on it, a counting turtle and a See and Say Farm toy. He was in a terrible mood for his party (teething), but we made the best of it and tried to have a good time anyhow. He had four friends come over during the playgroup, but we had lots of cupcakes left over, so we invited some of the neighborhood kids over later in the day. It was a fun day despite poor Bear's teething. My dad is coming into town this weekend to help us celebrate a little more.
I'll have to add pictures of the party a little later...I didn't realize that Max already downloaded them to our other computer, which is upstairs. I'm watching my neighbor's kids as I blog and I really can't leave them downstairs by themselves! I will leave you with these cute pictures of Bear. We left one cabinet un-child-proofed so that Bear can play with its contents, but he apparently had different ideas as to what the cabinet's purpose was:

1 comment:
Ah, this is what you do while watching my kids! That's fine..not much different from what I do with them! Love the blog! ~ The Neighbor
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