Saturday, June 27, 2009

17 months

Bear turned 17 months old on June 22 and it is getting increasingly difficult to keep him engaged while taking pictures of him. I'd really like to do this until he is at least 2, though, so we'll keep trying!

Here's the 1st picture we took. He's still being pretty agreeable.

The agreeable part is over. We had to get out a book to keep his attention. Here, he is showing me the "shooooooooooes" in the book.

I had to start asking him questions to get him to look at the camera. Barrett, what does a fish say? "Swish, swish!"

Where's your mouth?

Show me your feet!

What about your tummy?

Uh oh! Bless you, Barrett!

I made him giggle about something, finally!

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baby baby