Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bath time!

Corinne is definitely a happy girl at bath time! I think she may end up loving the water just as much, if not more, than Barrett does! We've also taken her swimming a few times so far and she's just as happy in big bodies of water. I see lots of swimming lessons/practices in our future!

Seriously, she was crying just moments before I put her in the water.

I had to hold her hands down because she was so excited and couldn't stop waving them in front of her face.

Action shot! She was kicking her legs and waving her arms around to make the water splash.

All done!

Barrett and Corinne playing together

Max and I have both noticed that Corinne looks at Barrett completely differently than she looks at us. She looks at him as if she is wondering what he will do next and she'll get the biggest grin on her face sometimes! I love when they play together and usually try not to interrupt, but they were especially cute this day, so I broke out the camera.

Here, Corinne's checking out what Barrett's doing to her toys:

She looks mad here, but I think I caught her mid-yawn.

She's alone in this one, but I thought she looked particularly cute!

And this is a different toy and a different day, but I really like this pic. She looks as if she is thinking about which toy to play with next.

Thinks she owns the place

For the past week or so, Corinne has been waking up at 6am to have a bottle and then proceeds to pass out for about 2 more hours. It's easier to let her sleep for those last couple of hours next to me, but Barrett usually wakes up around 7, so I end up leaving her to sleep with Daddy. Daddy has to get up to get ready for work shortly after 7, so Corinne winds up with an entire king size bed to herself for a little bit! I took some pictures one morning, because I thought it was so funny that she is so little in this huge bed!


I was about to turn out of the post office parking lot when I saw a lady in a car making a horrified face. I strained to see what she was seeing that was causing such a face and there it was: a kitten trying to make it across a busy road. Well, I just couldn't stand it! I put my car in park and picked up the poor little thing from the sidewalk that he somehow made it to and headed toward home. On the way home, I turned him over to see what gender he might be and saw a ton of fleas crawling on him!! Instead of going home, I stopped at a vet's office and got him taken care of and checked out. Grandma Holt and G had been thinking of getting a cat for almost a year, so they agreed to take him. Corinne and I drove him to Nashville to meet his new family (and also to hang with Grandma for a few days) last weekend. Corinne was a very good little traveler and it is reported that Barrett was very good for Daddy while we were gone. Poor Barrett--he absolutely loved "Tippy", which is what the vet called the kitten. We played with him lots for the 2 days that he stayed with us. Grandma has renamed him Buster and he is turning out to be a fun little guy.

Barrett was so happy when Tippy chased this feather we had lying around from when our cat was younger!

He loved holding him!

I could not get them both to look at the camera at the same time. I guess that's what happens when you get 2 rowdy boys together!

We'll miss you, Tippy!

Friday, June 11, 2010

New things

Corinne turned 3 months old on the 10th and has tried some new things this month. She really likes the Exersaucer. Yeah, she's naked except for a diaper here, but she spit up and it was almost time for jammies, so we just let her play for a bit!

She kept looking around to see the other toys on it.

She really likes sitting in the Bumbo seat, too. She's apparently REALLY happy to see Grandma here!

We tried rice cereal for the first time yesterday.

She wasn't that big of a fan, but sure looks cute!

3 months!!

She looks less than excited about getting her picture taken, but she sure looks pretty in her 4th of July dress (Thank you, Aunt Andrea!)!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Boxing them up for next year

And...the fun ended when Corinne spit up all over the inside of the storage box and all over Barrett.
baby baby