I was about to turn out of the post office parking lot when I saw a lady in a car making a horrified face. I strained to see what she was seeing that was causing such a face and there it was: a kitten trying to make it across a busy road. Well, I just couldn't stand it! I put my car in park and picked up the poor little thing from the sidewalk that he somehow made it to and headed toward home. On the way home, I turned him over to see what gender he might be and saw a ton of fleas crawling on him!! Instead of going home, I stopped at a vet's office and got him taken care of and checked out. Grandma Holt and G had been thinking of getting a cat for almost a year, so they agreed to take him. Corinne and I drove him to Nashville to meet his new family (and also to hang with Grandma for a few days) last weekend. Corinne was a very good little traveler and it is reported that Barrett was very good for Daddy while we were gone. Poor Barrett--he absolutely loved "Tippy", which is what the vet called the kitten. We played with him lots for the 2 days that he stayed with us. Grandma has renamed him Buster and he is turning out to be a fun little guy.
Barrett was so happy when Tippy chased this feather we had lying around from when our cat was younger!

He loved holding him!

I could not get them both to look at the camera at the same time. I guess that's what happens when you get 2 rowdy boys together!

We'll miss you, Tippy!
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