Sunday, July 11, 2010

4 months!!

We attempted to take pictures of Miss Corinne on her actual 4 month birthday, which was yesterday. She was mostly interested in chewing on her hands and making silly faces.

We planned to try again this morning anyway, but when she greeted me from her bed like this, I knew it would be a good time to take pictures. (Actually, she wakes up this happy EVERY DAY! It's awesome!)

Here are the attempts at the actual photo on day 2. I think they turned out a little better, don't you?

Look at her beautiful mouth!

Happy girl.

Barrett really, really wanted to help.

So I let him.

I LOVE how they are looking at each other here! It actually makes me cry a little!

How cute are they? Corinne's practically upside down trying to look at him!


Susan said...

I love how they are holding hands in the second from last picture.

Corinne looks beautiful in her pretty dresses.

~Nicole (Despeaux) said...

I LOVE those pictures of them looking at eachother! SO precious =)))

baby baby