Saturday, September 11, 2010

6 months!

My Corinne is half a year old already! The time is just flying by and she is getting cuter and cuter, if I do say so myself. She's rolling all over the place and sitting up with no support now. She's eating lots of solid food and loves just about everything, with the exception of green beans. Still no teeth, but my gosh, we are expecting them to show up any day now. She's still a good girl and is fairly relaxed unless hungry or bored, and then she likes to have everyone's attention. She is sleeping so well--11 hours at night and 3 naps during the day. She adores Barrett and smiles whenever he's around. She goes for her 6 month check up next week and I will post her stats then, but I expect the doctor to say that she's doing very well.

Here are some pics we took of her recently:

Raising her eyebrows at Momma:

These panties were a gift before she was even born and they finally fit! Yay!

Daddy took some pics of her while Momma and Barrett went to visit a friend that just had a baby:

Rolling around with Daddy!

She finally has enough hair for a bow!! Okay, so it's only around a few strands of hair, but it looks cute!

I think she looks like a little stinker here!

Love her!!

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baby baby