Well, we have a walking little girl! She started walking, little by little, this past month and now she is walking all the time. She gets mad when she falls or loses her balance, which is happening less and less. She's really becoming a little girl and less of a baby right now. She knows exactly what she wants and tries her hardest to let us know about it. She can let me know if Barrett is doing something she doesn't like, by squealing loudly. She knows I'll come running for certain squeals and cries! She is very particular about her hair (basically she wants nothing in it and wants me to leave her alone), so I was surprised when she let me put pigtails in this morning. She's just dressed in play clothes, but I decided to take her 14 month pictures while her hair looked cute.
My cutie-girl:

I gave her a snack to keep her hands out of her hair, so she is eating in many of these pics.

The snack didn't keep her distracted for long. If you know Corinne, this pic captured her perfectly!

She looks a little demented here, but I didn't get many smiles today.

Playing in the chair after she messed up her hair.

Barrett kept handing her toys and she laughed then (for him, of course!).

Being silly and trying to get the camera.