Barrett took swim lessons at the end of May and learned to swim! He can swim underwater for a few feet. I have to hold his head down in the water, but that's what the instructor did also, so he's used to that. He can also retrieve rings from the bottom of the pool in 4 feet of water! He loves doing this and asks to do this at our neighborhood pool every time we are there. He learned to swim and loves swimming at our pool, but he didn't really like the lessons, unfortunately. He cried during all 8 lessons, but did everything the teacher asked him to do anyway. I'm not sure why he didn't like them, because he loves to swim!
Here he is waiting his turn in line to swim to the teacher:

Doing the limbo...underwater!

Got the ring off the bottom of the pool!

All the kids are lined up, waiting their turn. Barrett is in the water with the teacher.
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