Saturday, August 29, 2009

At the lake

As soon as we arrived at the lake to visit with my mom's family, Barrett headed straight for the water.

So even though it was only about 70 degrees outside, we decided to give in and put a swim diaper on him.

Daddy had to follow him pretty closely.

He sure had fun in that cold water!

We decided he should have a life jacket, just in case.

Exploring the lake:

After he got out of the lake, Barrett decided to push my cousin Melissa on a little car.

They went pretty far!

Feeding the fish with Grandpa (and the dogs):

Taking a walk with Grammy:

We wanted a picture of my Grandma with all 3 of her great-grandkids, but that turned out to be a difficult task. Rowan (in the green shirt), Audrianna (in the red dress) and Barrett (with me, of course) weren't too agreeable. Also, Maya (the little girl with the long blonde hair) wanted to be in the picture even though Grandma is technically her great aunt.

Another try:

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