Friday, August 28, 2009

St. Louis Zoo

On our LONG drive to Michigan last Friday, we stopped in St. Louis for a few hours to wear Barrett out. We went to the zoo and we ate dinner, after which we put him in his pajamas and took off again. We thought about spending the night in a hotel and finishing the trip on Saturday morning, but Barrett fell soundly asleep, so we decided to go the whole way!

Barrett was so excited about riding the "choo-choo"!

Momma and B on the train:

Another nice picture on the train:

Daddy and B on the carousel:

B liked this penguin:

This was at a playground in the children's zoo area:

No more pictures!

The zoo was great and we could have spent all day there! There was so much we didn't see, because we wanted to get back on the road. Maybe we can go back someday and have even more fun!

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