As you can see, we received PLENTY of gifts for Christmas! It was really fun this year for Barrett. It was the first year that he had any real understanding of the gifts and Santa. His preschool tried to emphasize that Christmas wasn't just about gifts and focused on the religious part of the holiday. That's perfectly fine with me, but Barrett got a little confused--he kept calling Corinne "Baby Jesus". Oh well, he'll get that part eventually.

Our stockings:

Barrett was pretty excited to find a parking garage from the grandparents Johnson waiting for him when he woke up on Christmas morning!

He played with his new tractor from Grandma Holt (he opened it on Christmas Eve) while we waited for Corinne to wake up.

Corinne didn't really want to wake up.

Okay, she changed her mind when I told her there were presents (and a bottle) involved.

We tried to get a pic of them in their matching Christmas jammies, but it was pretty much impossible.

See? Hard to get both of them looking.

Sorry to the Poziwilko grandparents--when the gift opening started there was too much chaos and we didn't get any good pics! They really love everything that everyone gave to them, though and spent quite a while playing on Christmas Day.