Barrett's birthday isn't technically until the 22nd, but we celebrated this morning with our playgroup. We'll celebrate again as a family on his actual birthday by doing something fun (museum, zoo, etc.) and I'll make (or buy!) one of his favorite dinners. He'll also get to celebrate at preschool by taking a special treat in the week after his birthday. That's a lot of celebrating! Here are pictures from this morning's playgroup:
Excited about his firetruck cupcakes!

Fun pin-the-hat-on-the-firedog game:

Barrett and David are ready for cupcakes!

Natalie and Davin helped blow out the candle!

Barrett requested a spoon to eat his cupcake.

Opening his gifts:

The kids all gathered around in case Barrett needed help opening anything!

What's in this cool bag?

Obligatory picture with Momma:
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