Sunday, January 9, 2011

Picture mishmash

I just wanted to share some of the pictures we've taken in January. The only thing of note that has happened is Corinne's 9 month doctor's appointment. Her stats: weight is 21.5 lb (75%), height is 28.5 in (60%) and head circumference is 45.5 cm (80%). So, she's doing great and is right where she needs to be. She will be 10 months tomorrow, so I'll be posting pictures and what she's doing sometime soon.

In the meantime, here are the pics:

Corinne dumped ALL the books in the playroom onto the floor the other day:

It wasn't that bad of a deal though. She and Barrett spent quite a while reading quietly together!

Corinne is such a happy girl at bath time!

Grandma Holt and G got her some new bath toys for Christmas and she loves playing with them!

Barrett has discovered a love for hot cocoa and asks for some almost every day during Corinne's nap.

Barrett and Daddy worked on some phonics worksheets this weekend.

Happy girl in pigtails!

MAD girl in pigtails!! Ha ha!
baby baby